Taxilane Kilo Construction Begins May 6th

Taxilane Kilo Construction Begins May 6th

Taxilane Kilo Construction Begins May 6th 1250 656 Morristown Airport

Construction on Morristown Airport’s (MMU) Relocate Taxilane Kilo project is set to begin May 6, 2024. Access to the West Tie Down and Atlantic Aviation will still be available during construction.

The Relocate Taxilane Kilo Project was identified on the Airport Master Plan in 2013 and will bring Taxilane Kilo from a Group 1 (maximum wingspan of 49ft) to a Group III (maximum wingspan of 118ft) like all other Taxiways at MMU. By upgrading Taxilane Kilo to a Group III, all aircraft types will be permitted to enter the Western Area via Taxiway Bravo as the current wingtip clearance issue will be resolved with the relocation of Kilo.

During the Relocate Taxilane Kilo, the following sections of airfield pavement will be impacted/closed:

  • Taxiway Bravo and Taxilane Kilo Intersection
  • Taxiway Bravo between Taxiway Charlie and Runway 13
  • Portions of Taxilane Kilo

More details to follow once available

MMU | Morristown Airport New Jersey | General Aviation Airport