Phase VI (Complete)
Phase VII (Complete)
Phase VIII (Complete)
Phase IX (Complete)
Phase X (Sep - Nov 2024)
Phase VI (Complete)
Phase VI (formerly "Stage A")
Phase VI; Completed
Phase II, Stage A Complete; Access Road and Runway Safety Area Grading
Phase VII (Complete)
Phase VII (formerly "Stage B")
Phase VII; Completed
Phase II, Stage B Complete; Culverts replaced on MALSR Road.

Completed culvert off the Runway 23 end on MALSR road. (November 7th)
Phase VIII (Complete)
Phase VIII (formerly "Stage C")
Phase VIII; Completed
Phase II, Stage C Construction COMPLETE
Phase II, Stage C construction on our Runway 5-23 Rehabilitation Project has officially been completed.
After a successful Federal Aviation Administration flight check in December, the newly installed Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway End Identifier Lights (MALSR) passed the inspection and has been entered into service.
The Instrument Landing System (ILS) and Glideslope navigational aids for Runway 23 have been returned to service as well. In conjunction with the FAA’s flight check of Runway 23 components, a second flight check was conducted to check the Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) for Runway 31. That check passed and the PAPI has been returned to service.
Phase IX (Complete)
Phase IX
RWY 5-23 and Taxiway Alpha-Bravo Intersection BOTH Reopened
Phase IX Construction has been completed. Culvert installation has been completed with water now passing through the new structure underneath Runway 5-23 and Taxiway Alpha. Runway 5-23 grooving work has been completed. Taxiway Alpha paving and striping was completed on August 31 and the Alpha-Bravo intersection has reopened.
DM AIRPORTS, LTD. will reach out with construction details for Phase X as soon as they become available. Please sign up for Airfield Alerts if you haven’t done so already, by clicking the button below.
Phase X (Sep - Nov 2024)
Phase X
Phase X was completed in November, 2024. Work included extending the runway 5 safety area in preparation for a new localizer and EMAS.
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Stay on the Radar
MMU’s DBE Goal
Morristown Municipal Airport, operated by the Town of Morristown, acting through DM Airport Developers, Inc., hereby publishes a proposed overall goal for its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program for use of Federal funds allocated for the FY 2020-2022 FAA Airport Improvement Program. The Airport’s overall goal is 6.1% of all FAA-AIP assisted projects. Information on the goal and how it was established is available for inspection at the Morristown Municipal Airport, 8 Airport Road, Morristown, NJ 07960 until 30 days from publication date, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Comments will be accepted through 45 days from publication date.